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St. Anne's Primary School, Donaghadee


2019/2020 School Year

25th Jun 2020
Today we should have been saying ‘Goodbye’ to our class of P7 boys and...
28th May 2020
Fr Gunn has sent our P7s a lovely message. Please take a few minutes to listen together.
21st May 2020
Please remember to record your daily healthy activities on your Healthy-Kidz app....
Fr. Gunn has sent a special message to everyone in P4 who are preparing for their...
11th May 2020
It's Sport's Day on June 13th! To take part, you need to register with Healthy...
9th Apr 2020
Fr. Gunn has sent everyone a message for Easter. Please take 5 minutes to listen...
20th Mar 2020
Here are the winners of our Easter prizes. The raffle was drawn a little earlier...
16th Mar 2020
Numeracy: Daily 10: