Access Keys:

St. Anne's Primary School, Donaghadee


25th Oct 2016

KS2 children were visited by actor, Adrian Cooke, this week. Adrian has just recently finished playing Macbeth at the Grand Opera House in Belfast and accepted our invitation to see all of the Shakespeare work that we have been doing in class. Have a look at our photos and videos to see what great fun we had.

Absence Record Form (15th Oct 2018)

Please send in a note for any absences, alternatively please use our pre-printed form. 

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After School Clubs for April/May 2018 (11th Apr 2018) View download document
After-School Clubs Nov 17 (13th Nov 2017) View download document
After-schools & Swimming Sept 2019 (9th Sep 2019) View download document
Attendance (19th Feb 2016) View download document
Child Protection & Safeguarding (10th Sep 2018) View download document
Complaints (19th Feb 2016) View download document
Drugs Education (19th Feb 2016) View download document
Drugs Policy (21st Mar 2023) View download document
GDPR Privacy Notice (25th May 2018) View download document
Homework policy (4th Jun 2018) View download document
Milk_and_Break_Request_for_money_April_May_19.pdf (13th Mar 2019) View download document
Milk_and_Break_Request_for_money_June_19.doc (17th May 2019) View download document
Occupations topic web (16th Mar 2020) View download document
P7 Transition-Booklet (29th Jun 2020)

This Word document helps you get ready for your next school. Anxieties, getting ready, making friends, reading timetables and dealing with problems.

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Parent CCMS Meeting (23rd Feb 2020) View download document
Parent-Teacher meetings request (13th Nov 2017) View download document
Positive Behaviour (19th Feb 2016) View download document
Religious Education (19th Feb 2016) View download document
RSE policy (21st Mar 2023)

Please take time to read this draft policy relating to Relationships & Sexuality Education. If you would like to comment please do so via the "Contact Us" section of this website. This draft closes on October 10, 2018.

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sample doc (2nd Feb 2016) View download document
School Prospectus & Information Booklet (29th Jul 2020)

If you are thinking of enrolling your child at St. Anne's please download our Prospectus & Information Booklet. It will give a flavour of our family-orientated school and hopefully answer any questions that you may have. Of course, after reading our Prospectus, if you have any further questions or would like to have a tour around the school please contact us.

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School Prospectus & Information Booklet (8th Feb 2016)

Looking for more information about our school? Are you thinking of enrolling your child at St. Anne's?

Download our "Prospectus and Information booklet" to find out more about life at St. Anne's.

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St Anne's Annual Report 2017~2018 (14th Jan 2019) View download document
Your Next Step... (29th Jun 2020)

This booklet helps gives you some suggestions to help in your new school.

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